Need to dispose hardfill?


Per cubic meter - $28

What is hardfill?

Hardfill includes bricks, concrete, gravel, clay or soil.

Call us to discuss the options

We accept clean hardfill when pre-arranged only.

Call Paul to discuss how we can help you.

We can no longer accept Green Waste

We no longer accept Green Waste

Our Landlord on the site where we hold Resource Consent to store and process Green Waste has given us notice we can no longer carry out this operation – effective immediately.

Alternative Green Waste Deposit sites in the region are:

  • Nelson City Council Transfer Station, Vivian Street (off Pascoe St)
  • Wholesale Landscapes, Saxton Road, Stoke
  • GreenWaste to Zero, Cargill Place, Richmond

From the Team at Millers Firewood and Landscape Supplies – thank you for your support and we are truly sorry we can no longer accept your green waste.